The Upside of Academic Tracking
Written by Jill Barshay.
"I haven’t finished reading this article yet, but it is controversial and I just can’t stop thinking of the widening of the achievement gap. I wonder how we can cultivate excellence in students who show a proclivity for math... without perpetuating informal segregation in schools by leaving out students who are lowest achieving. The article says that there was no trade-off, that students not selected for these gifted classrooms were not worse off, I wonder about this." - Sophie
Schools Nationwide Still Grapple with Lead in Water
Written by MICHAEL WINES, PATRICK McGEEHAN and JOHN SCHWARTZ. This winter’s crisis in Flint, Mich., has cast new attention on lead in water supplies. But problems with lead in school water supplies have dragged on for years — aggravated by ancient buildings and plumbing, prolonged by official neglect and tight budgets, and enabled by a gaping loophole in federal rules that largely exempts schools from responsibility for the purity of their water.
A Supreme Court Pioneer, Now Making Her Mark on Video Games
Written by Natasha Singer. Justice O’Connor is behind an animated civics education game called Win the White House, whose latest edition was recently released. The game has been played by more than 250,000 students just this month and is barnstorming its way through middle schools across the United States.